Local Spay/Neuter Clinic

On Saturday, October 19th volunteers gathered at Kingston Mills Veterinary Hospital to help spay and neuter 43 cats. The cats came from two groups, the Wolfe Island Friends of Ferals and Napanee Community Kitten Rescue, who do amazing work helping provide care for the feral cats of the Kingston area.
Twenty-three of the cats were female. Spaying these cats prevented 46-69 litters born this year. At 4-5 kittens per litter, this could be 184-345 kittens born. Within 6 months any females in these litters could have kittens of their own, and the numbers grow exponentially from there. These cats would not have homes, vet care, or loving families as they live feral in our community.
This could not have been possible without the generosity of our community. Special thanks to McCarthy & Sons and Idexx for donating supplies, Boehringer for donating lunch, Dr. Laura Prociuk for donating her time as one of our two surgeons, and Dr. Mark Rutherford for donating the use of the clinic, surgical time, and covering the majority of costs involved. Lastly but certainly not least, thank you to everyone who donates at our fundraiser events. This could not be possible without you! The money you donate goes towards our Community Veterinary Assistance Fund, which we put towards helping the pets in our community.
And of course, we cannot forget the volunteers who donated their Saturday to help make this spay/neuter clinic operational! Thank you to: Tanya K, Nicole B, Jess L, Karen T, Lindsay P, Tina R, Natasha B, Dana M, Kathleen F, Sammi T, Sabrina W, Sydney W, & Cat C.