Mexico Spay/Neuter Initiative 2022
In Lisa’s words:
After my first experience, I immediately knew this was something I wanted to be involved in again, and when I returned home immediately started planning and fundraising to return for another campaign in 2020. Unfortunately, COVID hit and the organization I was working with dissolved.
Then in February of 2022 I was contacted by my travel companion (and former KMVH employee) Jenn that another organization, Kan Cozumel, was putting together a large spay/neuter campaign in Tizimin, Mexico. We got involved with Kan Cozumel and travelled to Mexico in April of 2022 where we volunteered with another amazing group of people and assisted in the spay and neuter of 305 dogs and cats during a 2 day campaign.
I plan to return in April of 2023 to volunteer for a campaign in Cozumel with the goal of 400 surgeries in 2 days!